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Online Post-It Art Show 2019


This was another opportunity to encourage students to work on an art project for something bigger than themselves. The show was designed to promote the benefits and outcomes of collaboration in the education art world. 


You can view the Online Gallery by Clicking on the BUTTON below...  





The Onoway Junior Senior High School contribution included the use of black ink pens and sharpies. Our original design as a school was intended to be all the same colour, but one of our students had Irlen's Syndrome which made it difficult for her to view these colours. This student could see on green background and so everyone was given a choice to work on the light yellow or green paper. The student with Irlen's Syndrome was extremely happy that not only did she feel included to participate, but now she was able to view and see the work from others. 


The add-on theme was for every student from grades 8-12 to add at least one post-it note artwork. Many of the Junior high students took this one step further and worked together in small groups of three to create excuisite corpse designs. Excuisite corpses are created when one student draws the head, another to draw the body, and another to draw the bottom legs. You don't know what you get until you put them together. 


Below are a few close-ups of the Post-It Art work: 



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